Helpful Information for Sufferers of Chronic Pain

The debilitating effects of chronic pain can be devastating but it may now be possible to ease the suffering of patients of many illnesses by using vaping as a delivery system for a relatively new called CBD oil. If you are already a vaper, then it is relatively easy to switch from your usual e-liquid for an e-liquid containing CBD oil. If not, then you might well need some information to fully understand CBD oil and how you would go about vaping it.

What Is This New Product?

The main active ingredient of CBD oil is Cannabidiol; it is one of over one hundred chemical compounds found in the cannabis plant. But unlike the host, it contains very little of the psychoactive compound, which is called THC. CBD is legal in the UK as long as the THC content level is less than 0.3%. Once extracted, the CBD is mixed with a plant oil like coconut oil to form the end product and then manufactured into many different products.

Using Vaping as A Delivery System

CBD vape juices are now stocked by all good vaping suppliers and are available in many great tasting flavours, it is essentially a regular e-liquid with a range of different strengths of CBD oil combined to form CBD e-liquid. If you are already vaping, then it may well be your best way of trying CBD oil, the usual recommendation is that you begin with a relatively low strength oil and progress upwards.

What Type of Illnesses Can It Help?

The information regarding the uses and possible benefits of using CBD oil is continually increasing as scientific studies investigate the effects on many different illnesses and diseases, these include –

  • Chronic pain and Arthritis
  • Anxiety and Insomnia
  • Mental health disorders such as PTSD and depression
  • Bipolar and Parkinson’s disease
  • Cancer-related symptoms
  • High blood pressure

This is by no means the only illness that can be alleviated by using CBD oil, there is plenty of helpful information available to access online. It is worthwhile to take some time to investigate the results of studies and trials further.

CBD Oil Products in Use Today

If you are not a vaper you may want to explore other means of taking CBD oil and there are various options available to you. CBD oil is most easily absorbed by the body when placed under the tongue as it absorbs into the bloodstream faster than using CBD in one of the many edible offerings such as gummies, sweets, or capsules. It is also available as balms and lotions that can be rubbed into the skin.

Using CBD Oil Yourself

As with any new remedy or herbal-based medicine, starting with a relatively small dose is always the best practice, having then experienced the effects, there is always the possibility to increase the dosage at your leisure. CBD vape oils are available in various strengths to allow you to manage this effectively.

If you or a loved one can find some help with their chronic pain or illnesses through using CBD oil then this article will have done its job.